The power of data: here’s what the Financial Review knows about you
You probably just read about house prices. If we’re doing our jobs, you’ll peruse this too. From AFR Magazine Power issue.
Words are a journalist’s most formidable tool, but the data they generate is increasingly powerful. Like most newsrooms, the Financial Review collects a slew of data points about each story published. We know what time it went live, who wrote it, how long it was on our homepage for and where it appeared on our apps.
Through anonymised user data, we know the number of subscribers who read every story and how long for – and from all that, we aggregate and cut the data in any number of ways. We then use that data to help determine what’s important to our readers. It also helps us to lure you towards the stories we want you to read.
The data gives us a good grip on what subscribers love to read. Sam Bennett
Take this very yarn, for example. The data helped us decide its length (based on the time readers spend on stories of this kind), what time it will be published (in time for our midday newsletter is ideal to catch readers on their lunch breaks) and where to place the first image in the article online (two paragraphs from the top).
There was a time when we knew none of this. Not so long ago, print circulation and readership surveys (such as Roy Morgan’s quarterly readership estimates) were the only data we had. We relied on letters to the editor to gauge reader feedback. The revenue for mastheads such as the Financial Review used to be driven by print advertising.
Now, 60 per cent of revenue for Nine’s publishing arm – which includes the Financial Review – comes from digital sources, including subscriptions. That makes the value of data on what subscribers are reading all the more important to our business. So whereas engagement metrics were once the domain of data analysts, they’re now in the hands of journalists.
But what about clickbait? It’s not something we’re known for here at the Financial Review (we’d like to think). Nor is it a winning strategy for a business based on subscriptions. “Clickable” headlines that push readers to low-value articles lead to low engagement and poor reader retention.
That said, the data gives us a good grip on what subscribers love to read – the property market, changes to superannuation, the big four professional services firms (particularly when embroiled in a scandal), and how Australia’s top executives climbed the corporate ladder. A harder sell are topics such as international monetary policy, complex cybersecurity and world elections that don’t include Donald Trump.
Because our business is increasingly focused on keeping subscribers, we use the data to understand what keeps a long-term subscriber satisfied. We know subscribers who are signed up to newsletters are more likely to stick around. That is why we now have 18 of them, and more are on the way.
With so much data around, one of our biggest challenges is deciding which numbers to focus on. What’s more important: the amount of subscribers who saw the story, or the percentage of people who got to the end? How many new readers a story reached on social media? Or the number it convinced to become paid subscribers?
The Financial Times uses a Quality Read metric that measures where the reader has read at least half of the article; News Corp gives its stories a C-score based on a blend of engagement and subscription metrics. All are useful data points – but all have their caveats and limits.
Needless to say, data doesn’t dictate what we do. By its nature, data looks at what worked in the past. But news is about what’s new, so our editors and journalists must use their instincts to find and follow the agenda-setting stories, regardless of what the numbers say.
There are certain topics you’d expect to appear in the Financial Review, and we’ll always cover them. Using the data in conjunction with decades of experience means we have the power to make those stories more digestible, valuable and, hopefully, compelling for you, dear reader.
And if you disagree, please write a letter to the editor. As a means of feedback, it still works.
The AFR Magazine annual Power issue is out Friday, September 29, inside The Australian Financial Review. Follow AFR Mag on Twitter and Instagram.
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