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Leaked pay reveals law firm’s $7m ‘super partners’
Mark Di StefanoColumnistAfter publishing the list of the highest-paid CEOs last week, The Australian Financial Review was once again swamped with readers rubbernecking at how much this country’s most senior corporates were trousering each year.
It’s a handy piece of work from the newspaper’s BOSS section, but there are limitations. Namely, this is just what we know from public documents. At private firms, many are earning as much, or far, far more than those on the list.
In the money: Corrs Chambers Westgarth CEO Gavin MacLaren. Michelle Smith
Take, for instance, the hard-working lawyers at Corrs Chambers Westgarth. According to a document leaked to us which laid out the law firm’s proposed equity structure, as many as four partners are in line to receive more than $7 million this year.
We’ve asked around, and one lawyer earning that much is surprising. To have another three at the same firm verges on bonkers. They’d all comfortably make the top 50 of highest-paid CEOs, that’s for sure.
So who are they? The firm’s CEO and managing partner, Gavin MacLaren, is obviously one, being already widely spoken of as one of the highest-paid lawyers in the country. Another is Mark Wilks, the lawyer who handles the external business of Gina Rinehart at the firm. Rinehart being sued by her children for years means she’s always going to be good for billables.
Also in the club is M&A partner and dealmaker Sandy Mak. We believe the fourth is either competition lawyer Mark McCowan or infrastructure lawyer Andrew Stephenson. Corrs declined to comment.
They’re what some wryly call “super partners” at Corrs. Below them are another 10 earning more than $3.5 million. And this is just the proposed base equity – one source suggested these totals could be bumped up by as much as 15-20 per cent for the final take-home pay.
Top-heavy pay structure
The full carve up makes for revealing reading. None of Australia’s big four consulting firms pay their top partners anything like it.
The firm also sits outside the country’s so-called big six law firms, which is made up of Allens, Ashurst, Clayton Utz, Herbert Smith Freehills, Mallesons and MinterEllison.
The top-heavy pay structure came after MacLaren, who came to Australia from global giant Freshfields, joined in 2018. As the profit pie grew from less than $80 million when he arrived to $210 million now, MacLaren and the firm went about rejigging the pay structure. The top band was $1.8 million five years ago.
Those who have worked with him tell us MacLaren wants to replicate the pay structures at New York firms such as Kirkland & Ellis and Paul, Weiss. They favour slicing up profits for earners, with a skew to the highest performers.
It’s understood among partners at Corrs that they can expect equity that’s roughly 30 to 35 per cent of the revenue or billables they bring to the firm. It’s how you get the super partners in the $7 million club. MacLaren also negotiated that his pay will always be pegged to the highest-paid partner of the firm.

It doesn’t take a genius to see how the incentives play out. By ensuring his firm’s top partners are the highest-paid lawyers in the country, they support MacLaren, who is key to the pay structure, and therefore his own pay packet. It should be said all of this is approved by the partners and the Corrs board.
By adopting the “eat what you kill” model, law firms such as Corrs are ditching the staid law partnership, which often rewarded seniority. But does fostering a cutthroat culture tied to pay always result in firm-wide harmony?
The same trend is playing out in the US, where The Wall Street Journal recently observed that “on Wall Street, lawyers make more money than bankers now”. Some superstar attorneys in the US are taking home more than $US15 million ($23 million) a year, while banker salaries are stagnant.
Both countries’ top bankers – Macquarie’s Shemara Wikramanayake ($32 million) and JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon ($US34.5 million) – are unlikely to be knocked off the top of the pay pyramid for some time. But light the beacons, the lawyers are coming.
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