How Aussies with a party bus turned Top Deck into a 50-year business
Flight Centre boss “Skroo” Turner was in London for the half-century birthday bash of his coach-tour company. A new film breathes life into its origin story.
In a railway arch in Hoxton, the trendiest part of north London, a lively party is in full swing. In one room, under a giant disco ball, shiny young people are shouting happily at each other over the music of a live guitarist. In another room down a corridor, where the background ambience is quieter, a bunch of mostly septuagenarian Australians are enjoying a rare reunion.
Graham “Skroo” Turner, co-founder of Top Deck and Flight Centre, celebrates the coach tour operator’s 50th anniversary in London. Hans van Leeuwen
Parked outside the arch is something almost as old: a classic 1950s Bristol double-decker bus, its interior kitted out with a kitchenette and tables downstairs, and bunks upstairs. This is the clue to what has brought these disparate generations together: it’s the 50th birthday party of Top Deck Travel.
The young partygoers are the face of the company today, offering hedonistic coach tours of Europe to greenhorn Aussies and Kiwis. The older crew are the men and women who were young once, in the early 1970s, and who brought to life the beer-soaked, bravura idea of buying a double-decker bus and driving it to Morocco.
At the centre of the action, then and now, is 74-year-old Graham “Skroo” Turner, whose inexhaustible insouciance got that bus on the road, and with him his first disciple, Bill James.
Long before founding Flight Centre, which Turner still runs today, they – along with the absent Geoff “Spy” Lomas – bought the bus in Yorkshire, recruited the passengers at bacchanalian Antipodean parties in west London, charged them £100 a pop, then set off for Dover without drivers’ licences, insurance, or even much idea of where they were going.
Graham “Skroo” Turner (centre) and Bill James (far right) on Top Deck’s first sortie to Morocco.
The Top Deck story has often been told, so what happened next is pretty well known. With Turner’s customary combination of luck and chutzpah, and despite some hair-raising moments, that maiden voyage was a success.
More trips followed, and more buses, and in 1975 Turner and James even drove an increasingly battered Bristol all the way to Kathmandu. Eight chaotic years later, they returned to Australia to set up Flight Centre.
“Top Deck made our DNA, made our culture, even flowing into Flight Centre,” Turner told the revellers in London last weekend, praising the corporate spirit of self-reliance, initiative and resilience. “Top Deck is our foundation, that’s where we come from.”
Top Deck has certainly proved as hardy as one of those double-deckers, surviving half a century in a ruthless and ever-evolving industry. And although it is a company of and for the young, it often celebrates its roots and venerates its founding fathers.
This latest wave of celebratory nostalgia has brought something new, though: a one-hour documentary film about the ramshackle, rambunctious creation of Top Deck.
The film, which premiered in London the afternoon before the party, mines a trove of old photos and Super-8 film footage to tell the story with renewed vivacity and humour.
We are taken vividly into Earl’s Court, the heart of 1970s Antipodean London, and then onto the road with the footloose and fancy-free Aussie holidaymakers who signed up for the ride.
Top Deck’s maiden voyage in 1973 took in the Atlas Mountains in Morocco.
Interviews with the founders and early passengers provide laconic voice-over commentary, as they dead-pan and gloss over the anarchy of Top Deck’s immoderate early days.
The 70-minute documentary was made by Bill James’ son, Richard, who seems to have inherited his father’s have-a-go spirit: he has never made a movie like this before.
He studied film at university and afterwards made sports movies as “an excuse to go on some great trips”, but ended up going into business. This project was a hobby, a labour of love.
As with Top Deck, though, he had his share of good fortune. “The head start I had was that the project was started many years ago, and that the filmmaker involved had actually done many of the interviews,” he says.
“It was more a process of sorting through the material and picking a story out of it, and doing the editing.”
The 50th anniversary seemed like the moment to bring the idea to fruition, and he will now take the film on a three-city tour of Australia – Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney – early next month, before seeing if there is potential for any kind of commercial release.
‘We were not entrepreneurs’
This is not your typical story of a business start-up. As one veteran told AFR Weekend at the party: “People often say: ‘How did they start this business?’ But they didn’t really start a business. They just bought a bus.”
Turner and Lomas were graduate veterinarians, and not long after the bus brainstorm, Turner was on a placement in rural Yorkshire. He came across a yard full of old buses and impulsively bought one, which already had perhaps 2 million miles on the clock. He drove it to London and parked it outside his house in Fulham – much to the consternation of the neighbours.
He and his mates signed up passengers at parties, or on the street. The route and pricing were pinched from other companies. Turner could barely navigate his way out of London. But the first real drama came at the foot of Spain: the bus was too big to fit in the bay of the ferry to Morocco.
The bus was too large for the ferry.
After a two-day impasse, Turner noticed the ferry had an open-air area on the back deck, which would be just big enough for the bus. The group drove down to the wharf and, once the inside bay was full, at the last minute he raced the bus onto the back of the boat. A fait accompli.
“I’d already formed a vision of Skroo in my mind,” Bill James says in the film, at this point. “Every now and then he did something like this, he just didn’t take no for an answer. Life is not going to be like it used to be, if you live in proximity to Skroo.”
In the Atlas Mountains of Morocco, they discovered that it was snowing. Many had never seen snow before and none of them had driven in it. The bus slid across an icy road and almost into a sheer ravine. Somehow they survived.
Meanwhile, James’ housemates back in Fulham were taking bookings for a second trip. “That was the moment I said, ‘Look, we’ve got a business here’,” James says. He went to Yorkshire and bought another bus.
“Our attitude from day one was to go at it as hard and fast as we possibly could,” James says.
“There was nothing to hold us back. We were not entrepreneurs, we didn’t even know what that word meant. But all of us had this sense that there was something beyond the traditional professional life that would face us once we went back to Australia. We had nothing to lose.”
In 1975 came the trip to Kathmandu, via Iran and Afghanistan. The footage of a creaking old bus on the Khyber Pass and the Grand Trunk Road, with its gormless crew of Aussie ingénues, has to be seen to be believed. The stories are equally incredible.
Meanwhile, Turner had hired a shopfront. Dozens of Australians were dossing down there, and working for the company. It was a haywire, seat-of-the-pants operation.
Skroo with a company car in the early 1980s.
Eventually, it was restructured into some semblance of order. But Turner had noticed that the part of it selling bucket-shop air tickets was making more money, with lower overheads. When his Top Deck managers asked to buy him out, he took this insight back to Australia and Flight Centre was born. Later, he and Flight Centre took back control of Top Deck, returning the business to the family fold.
Same same, but different
The film documents a time that is almost unrecognisable. Today, a business simply couldn’t get started in the way these lager-loving larrikins started this one. Top Deck has bridged that world and ours, and before the film screening, I ask Turner and his colleagues: What has changed?
The big difference, Turner says, is in how you tap the younger age group who might take a Top Deck tour. And the lack of competition – for many, the margins are just too tight.
The other hard part, says Top Deck CEO Ed Pettitt, is that young people have so much more information now, from their social media channels.
“They want, in their one or two days in Berlin, to be doing the very latest, most interesting experiences. The problem we’re solving is that what’s relevant today is the worst thing you could be seen doing tomorrow.”
The other challenge is that the COVID-19 pandemic broke the habit that young Aussies had of coming to London for that “rite of passage” – that manic, work-in-England-play-on-Continent experience.
“You had basically a three- to four-year gap where people hadn’t travelled and weren’t passing it [the tradition] down,” Pettitt says.
“So there was a bit of an education piece, to speak to that young customer and remind them that it is a rite of passage to get out there and see the world.”
Turner says Top Deck is on track to turn a profit this year, so it seems there are enough young Aussies still on the conveyer belt to London – following in the footsteps of their daring, drunken compatriots who, five decades ago, turned the ignition on the whole crazy ride.
Top Deck will screen in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney in the first week of December. Details at
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