I need a break after my redundancy. What should I do?
Career coach Edwin Trevor-Roberts says a career break is a great opportunity to recharge your batteries, learn a new skill and clarify your goals.
- Euan Black
I waste hours in meetings every day. How can I get out of them?
Spending hours every day in unproductive meetings is a recipe for burnout. Inventium’s Amantha Imber says you must raise this with your manager.
- Euan Black
I’m returning to work after having a child. How can I get into gear?
Returning to work after having a baby is a major life change, says Parents at Work CEO Emma Walsh. So be kind to yourself and be willing to experiment.
- Euan Black
How can I be more productive while working from home?
Sticking to the same pre-work routine every morning is a good way of getting into the zone, says Atlassian’s work futurist Dominic Price.
- Euan Black
My boss is a workaholic. How can I keep up without ruining my life?
Workplace expert Michelle Gibbings says the answer lies in open and honest communication. And clarifying your boss’ expectations is a good place to start.
- Euan Black
I don’t like suits or chinos. What else can I wear to work?
The key is to pick up some “casual pillars”, such as a tailored trouser and a casual blazer, that can be mixed and matched to produce multiple outfits.
- Euan Black
I’m a busy lawyer. How can I find time to ‘future-proof’ my career?
High-performing professionals never stop developing their skills. But career coach Edwin Trevor-Roberts says enrolling in a course is not the only way to grow.
- Euan Black
Being a GP has taken a toll. Could I earn more in insurance?
Before job hunting and meeting new people, start by articulating your values and interests to narrow your job search, career coach Warren Frehse recommends.
- Euan Black
I want to switch industries but have no contacts. What do I do?
Changing your industry, occupation and employer in one single move is not easy. Career coach Dr Edwin Trevor-Roberts recommends breaking it into more manageable chunks.
- Euan Black
I’m bored of being an accountant. What other jobs pay well?
Career coach Leah Lambart helps a management accountant who has lost motivation switch careers into a different high-paying industry.
- Euan Black